Sunday, May 10, 2015

My first day went pretty well as far as not doing the things I set out for. Unfortunately I did not eat much today though. I woke up pretty late, had a bowl of blackberries, went shopping for a last minute mother's day gift, and then made beef tacos for dinner for my family. When I was out shopping I denied the temptation of getting anything bad from the grocery store and from getting a frozen yogurt. I am now going to go on a walk with my mom, which I am not really wanting to as I am kind of tired...but exercise is a good thing.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I am just going to make this post to share what this challenge is all about. I am creating this blog (for myself) to keep track of my life in order to become a healthier me and to hopefully have some good results from cutting things out of my life.
This challenge will start on Sunday, May 10 and ends on November 1.

The challenge is to:
-stop drinking carbonated beverages
-stop buying food from anywhere but a grocery store
-workout at least 3 times a week

The reason for these changes are to 1) become healthier and 2) to save money.

Things I will be posting on here may range from food I have eaten day to day, workouts I have done, money I have saved, or things that I have been able to buy by saving that money.

Something I have been terrible about recently is buying take out too much. I am really bad when it comes to saying no to my cravings but I want to end that and hopefully make it so I don't have those cravings as often.

I would like to point out that certain days such as my birthday will be not counted towards this challenge ;)